low 10.0–19.9
moderate 20.0–34.9
serious 35.0–49.9
alarming ≥ 50.0
extremely alarming
Note: Data for GHI scores, child stunting, and child wasting are from 1998–2002 (2000), 2006–2010 (2008), 2013–2017 (2015), and 2018–2022 (2023). Data for undernourishment are from 2000–2002 (2000), 2007–2009 (2008), 2014–2016 (2015), and 2020–2022 (2023). Data for child mortality are from 2000, 2008, 2015, and 2021 (2023). See Appendix A for the formula for calculating GHI scores and Appendix C for the sources from which the data are compiled.